Case Progression Pathway

Evaluating Case Attrition along the Medico-Legal Case Referral Pathway for Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors in Kenya: A Secondary Data Analysis

Victims & Offenders Analysis of Kenya’s medico-legal referral pathway for sexual/domestic violence shows survivor age and forensic evidence as key predictors for case progression. The results reflect cultural perceptions and can guide policies to strengthen the referral pathway.

May 2023 · Sarah Rockowitz, James Rockey, Laura M. Stevens, Melissa F. Colloff, Wangu Kanja, Heather D. Flowe
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Patterns of sexual violence against adults and children during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya: a prospective cross-sectional study

BMJ Open In Kenya during COVID-19, children were more likely than adults to face sexual violence in daytime, by a single familiar perpetrator, often neighbors. Study emphasizes age-specific measures for tackling such violence during emergencies.

September 2021 · Sarah Rockowitz, Laura M Stevens, James C Rockey, Lisa L Smith, Jessica Ritchie, Melissa F Colloff, Wangu Kanja, Jessica Cotton, Dorothy Njoroge, Catherine Kamau, Heather D Flowe
Hand shaped word cloud from

Children’s Vulnerability to Sexual Violence during COVID-19 in Kenya: Recommendations for the Future

Frontiers in Global Womens Health During COVID-19 in Kenya, child sexual violence has shifted: victims are younger and more often targeted by neighbors during the day. Given lockdowns and school closures, providing safe alternatives is crucial to reduce risk during such crises.

February 2021 · Laura M. Stevens, James C. Rockey, Sarah R. Rockowitz, Wangu Kanja, Melissa F. Colloff, Heather D. Flowe